Zirik, Zinoviy

At the first look black side appears very strong: with the next move they will start the attack in the middle after which white's grouping on its left side will become a significant weakness. But the unexpected pitch turns the game around. 1.ab6! c:a7 2.cd4 After the pitch it is now the white side that takes over the center while pinning down the hanging piece on g7. de7
[ 2...de5 3.f:d6 dc7 ( 3...ab6 4.dc7 b:d6 5.bc5 d:b4 6.a:a7 ) 4.dc5 c:e5 5.cb6 a:c5 6.b:f4 bc7 7.ab4 cd6 8.ba5
[ 8.bc5 d:b4 9.ed2 fe5 10.f:d6 gf6 11.dc7 ba3 ( 11...fe5 12.cb8 ed4 13.de3 d:f2 14.hg5 h:f4 15.b:a5 ) 12.dc3 fe5 13.cb4 a:c5 14.cb8 ed4 15.ba7 cb4 16.a:e3 ]
8...dc5 9.ed2 cd4 10.ab6 de3 11.dc3 e:g5 12.bc7 gf4 13.cb8 fe3 14.ba7 ]
[ 2...dc5 3.b:d6 dc7 4.fe5 cb6 5.dc5 f:d4 6.c:e3 gf6 7.ef4 ba5 8.hg5 ( 8.ed2 ab6 9.dc3 ba7 10.hg5 f:h4 11.de7 ) 8...f:h4 9.ef2 ab6 10.de7 bc5 11.ed8 cd4 12.fg3 h:f2 13.ab4 a:c3 14.fe5 d:f6 15.d:a5 hg5 16.ad2 gh4 17.df4 ba7 18.fc7 ]
[ 2...dc7 3.bc5 d:b4 4.a:c5 cb6 5.ed2 bc7 6.fe5 ba5 7.dc3 hg5 8.cb4 a:c3 9.d:b2 f:b6 10.h:h8 ]
[ But black did have a plan to draw: 2...bc7 3.ef2 ( 3.ed2 de7 like above = ) 3...cb6 4.bc5 d:b4 5.a:c5 dc7 6.fe5 ba5 7.fe3 hg5 8.cd6 ab6 9.d:b8 bc5 10.d:b6 a:c7 11.b:d6 f:f2 12.h:h8 fe1= ]
[ 3.ed2 bc7 4.ba5 ( 4.de3 cb6 5.bc5 d:b4 6.a:c5 ed6 7.c:g5 bc5 8.d:b6 a:c5 9.gf6 g:g3 10.h:f2 hg5= ) 4...hg5!! 5.f:f8 fg5 6.h:b6 a:c1 7.f:c5 cf4! 8.cd4 fh2! Black make a shot and then force a draw in the endgame 9.ab6 ( 9.ab4 hd6 10.dc5 de5 ) 9...hg1 10.dc5 gh2 11.cd4 hg1 ]
3...bc7 4.fg3
[ 4.ba5 hg5 5.f:f8 fg5 6.h:b6 a:g1= ]
[ 4...ab6 5.bc5 d:b4 6.a:a7 ed6 7.ab8 de5 8.b:d6 e:c3 9.hg5 f:f2 10.fg5 h:f4 11.d:b4 ]
5.bc5 d:b4 6.a:c5 ba5
[ 6...ed6 7.c:g5 bc5 8.d:b6 a:c5 9.gf6 g:e5 10.f:b4 ]
7.fe5 ab6? This loses. The draw was after:
[ 7...ab4 8.c:a3 ab6 9.ab4 hg5 10.bc5 gf4 11.c:a7 f:h2 12.ab8 ed6 ( or 12...gh6 13.e:g7 h:f8= ) 13.e:c7 hg1 14.cd8 g:a7 15.d:g5 gf6 16.g:d8 ad4 ]
8.c:a7 ab4 9.ab8 hg5
[ 9...ba3 10.ba7 ab2 11.dc5 f:b6 12.a:a1 ]
10.bd6! e:e3 11.gf4 f:d4 12.h:h8 e:g5 13.h:a5 2-0

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