Zirik, Zinoviy

The plans for both sides are obvious - both run to king on their long flank. Black's position has some minuses - checker on g7 is badly placed which gives the opponent an extra move when attacking it, and there is also a separation of flanks. 1.hg3 cb4 2.gf4 bc3 3.fg5 gh6 4.gf6 bc5
[ 4...hg5 5.f:h4 bc5 6.ef6 cd4 7.fe7 de3 8.ed8 cd2 ( 8...ef2 9.df6 ) 9.db6 ]
5.fe7 cb4 6.ef6!!
[ 6.ef8 hg5 7.f:a3 cb2= ]
[ 6.ed8? ba3 7.df6 ab2 8.c:a3 cd2 9.ed6 de1 10.fd4! eg3! The only way!
[ 10...hg5? 11.dc7 gf4 12.cd8 fg3 13.ab4 e:a5 14.db6 a:c7 15.d:b6 ]
11.de7 hg5 12.ef8 gh4 13.ab4 gc7 14.fh6 cb8 and this position is a draw - for example 15.bc5 bc7! If this was a black's move they would not be able to avoid the loss (see Position 268a). 16.df6 cb8 17.fc3 bh2 18.hd2 hb8
[ 18...hg3? 19.de3 hg1 20.ed4 gf2 ( 20...gh2 21.ce1 ) 21.ce1 ]
19.de1 bg3 20.cd4 gh2! ( 20...gc7? 21.cb6 c:a5 22.dc3 a:d2 23.e:c3 hg3 24.cd4 ) 21.ef2 ( 21.cb6 hg1! 22.dc5 gh2 23.ec3 hb8 24.cf2 ba7= ) 21...hc7 22.dc3 cg3 23.fe3 ge1 24.ce5 hg3 25.e:h2 ec3= ]
6...ba3 7.ef8 cd2 8.c:e3 ab2 9.fg7 bc1 10.ed4 hg5 11.gh8 gh4
[ 11...cf4 12.hf6 g:e7 13.f:h2 ]
[ 11...cd2 12.hf6 g:e7 13.f:e1 ]
[ 11...gf4 12.fd6+-
[ or 12.dc5 ce3 ( 12...fe3 13.hb2 c:d6 14.f:g1 ) 13.hd4 eg1 14.cd6 g:e7 15.f:h2+- ]
12.he5+- 2-0

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