Zirik, Zinoviy

This is a famous ending - it actually happened during the game, and Mr.Zirik calculated all these fantastic variations you are about to explore from far away - from maybe 5-10 moves before this position could occur. 1.gf4 fe7
[ 1...gh6 2.ab4 hg5 3.f:h6 fe5 4.hg5 ed4 5.bc5 d:b6 6.gf6 bc5 7.fe7 f:d6 8.hg7 cd4 9.gf8 de5 10.fg7 ef4 11.g:c3 fe3 ( 11...fg3 12.cd4 gh2 13.dg1 ) 12.ce1 ]
2.ab4 ed6 3.fg5 fe5 4.gf6 ef4 5.f:h8 fe3 6.hg5
[ 6.ba5? ef2 7.hg5 ( 7.ab6 dc5 8.b:d4 fg1 9.de5 gh2 10.ef6 hd6 11.hg7 da3 12.gf8 ab2 13.fg7 ba3 14.hg5 ab4 15.gh6 bf8 16.gh8 fa3 17.hg7 af8= ) 7...fg1 8.gh6
[ 8.hc3 dc5 9.gf6 cb4 10.ca1 ( 10.ce1 bc3 11.e:b4 gd4 ) 10...gf2 11.a:c3 fe1 12.cd4 ef2 13.de5 fg3 ]
[ 8.ha1 gf2 9.gh6 dc5 10.hg7 cb4 11.a:c3 fe1= ]
8...dc5 9.hc3 ( 9.hg7 cd4 10.gf8 de3= ) 9...gh2 ( 9...gf2? 10.hg7 cb4 11.ce1+- ) 10.hg7 ( 10.cb2 hg3= with the same idea ) 10...cb4 11.ce1 he5 12.a:c3 e:h8= ]
6...ef2 7.gh6 fe1
[ 7...fg1 8.ha1 gb6 ( 8...gh2 9.ba5 and one of the checkers will king ) 9.ba5 bd8 10.ac3 dc5 11.hg7 cb4 12.ce1+- ]
8.ba5 eh4
[ 8...eg3 9.hg7 de5 10.gf8 ef4 11.fh6 ]
[ 8...ef2 9.hc3! dc5 ( 9...fh4 10.ab6+- ) 10.hg7 cb4 11.ce1+- ]
9.hc3! Only this! if
[ 9.ha1 then dc5 and this is a draw game ]
[ 9.hg7 de5 10.gf8 ef4= ]
[ 9...dc5 10.hg7 cb4 11.ce1+- ]
10.cb2! This move is the "heart" of the ending.
[ 10.ca1 dc5 11.ac3 dc7! 12.hg7 cb4 13.cb2 ( 13.ce1 ce5 14.a:c3= ) 13...cg3! 14.a:c3 ge1= ]
[ 10.hg7 de5 11.c:f6 d:g5 ]
10...dc5 11.hg7 cb4 12.a:c3 da5 13.cb4 and regardless of the jump the king is caught on the Mason. 2-0

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