Santsevich, V.

This position was analized for many years with various conclusions until Russian master Vladimir Santsevich had the last word - it is a draw. 1.h6-g7!
[ 1.c3-d4 b4-c3 2.d4xb6 a5xc7 3.d2xb4 a3xc5 4.e3-d4 c5xe3 5.f4xd2 c7-b6 6.d2-e3 b6-c5 win ]
[ 1...f6xh8? 2.e3-d4 c5xe3 3.g5-h6 e3xg5 4.h4xd8 ]
2.c3-d4 b4-c3 3.d4xb2 f6-e5
[ 3...c5-b4? 4.b2-c3 f6-e5 5.e3-d4 e5xg3 6.h4xf2 h6xf4 7.f2-e3! f4-g3 8.e3-f4 g3xe5 9.d4xd8 ]
4.b2-c3 e5xg3 5.h4xf2 h6xf4 6.e3xg5 d6-e5! 7.f2-e3 a3-b2! 8.c1xa3
[ 8.c3xa1 e7-d6! A hard to find move. 9.g5-h6 e5-d4 10.h6-g7 ( 10.e3-f4 d6-e5 11.f4xb4 a5xe1= ) 10...d4xf2 11.d2-e3 f2xd4 12.g7-h8 d6-e5 followed by e5-f4 and f4-g3 with an obvious draw ]
8...e5-f4 9.g5-h6
[ 9.c3-d4 f4xh6 10.d4xb6 a5xc7 11.e3-f4 c7-d6= ]
9...f4-g3 10.h6-g7
[ 10.e3-f4 g3xe5 11.h6-g7 e7-f6! 12.g7-h8 c5-d4= No waiting move ]
[ 10...e7-f6 11.g7xe5 g3-h2 12.e3-f4 h2-g1 13.f4-g5 g1-h2 ( 13...g1-d4? 14.g5-f6 d4xa1 15.d2-c3 a1xd4 16.e5xc3 ) 14.e5-f6 h2-b8 15.g5-h6 c5-d4 16.c3xe5 b8xc1 17.f6-g7 c1-e3 18.g7-h8 a5-b4 19.a3xc5 e3xa7 ]
[ 11.e3-f4 h2-g1 12.f4-g5 ( 12.g7-f8 e7-f6 13.f8xb4 f6-e5 14.f4xd6 g1-d4 15.c3xe5 a5xe1 16.e5-f6 e1-c3 17.f6-e7 ) 12...c5-d4! 13.c3xe5 e7-d6 14.e5xc7 a5-b4 15.a3xc5 g1xh4 ]
11...h2-g1 12.e3-f4 c5-b4!
[ 12...e7-d6 leads to a harder draw. 13.h8-g7 ( 13.f4-g5 c5-d4 14.c3xc7 a5-b4 15.a3xc5 g1xh4 ; 13.h8-f6? c5-d4 14.c3xc7 a5-b4 15.a3xc5 g1xc1 ) 13...g1-e3 14.g7-h6 e3xc1 15.f4-e5 d6xf4 16.h6xa7 a5-b4 ( 16...c1-f4 17.a7-e3 f4xb4 18.a3xc5 ) 17.a3xc5 c1-a3 18.c5-b6 a3-e7 19.b6-c7 e7-f6 20.a7-d4 f6-d8 21.d4-b6 d8-f6 22.b6-d4 f6-d8 23.c7-b8 d8-a5 ]
[ 12...g1-e3? 13.f4-e5 e3xc1 14.e5-d6 c5-d4 15.d6xf8 d4xb2 16.h8xa1 ]
13.a3xc5 g1xa7 14.h8-g7
[ 14.f4-g5 e7-d6 and no defense against d6-e5 ]
14...e7-f6 15.g7xe5 a7-e3= 1-1

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