[Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bc1,g1,d2,c3,g3,b4,c5:Wa3,a5,e5,g5,d6,e7,g7."] 1. c1-b2 a3xe3 2. g3-f4 e5xg3 3. c3-d4 a5xe5 4. g1-h2 d6xb4 5. h2xd2 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bd2,h2,g3,a5,b6,h6:Wd4,e5,d6,g7,b8,f8."] { [#]A Phantom shot } 1. b6-c7 d6-c5 2. a5-b6 $1 b8xd6 3. d2-e3 $1 c5xa7 ( d4xh4 4. b6xh8 ) 4. e3xe7 f8xd6 5. h6xf8 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bg1,f2,h2,a3,c3,e3,b4:Wh4,e5,g5,h6,a7,c7,d8."] 1. e3-f4 $1 e5xe1 2. g1-f2 e1xg3 3. h2xf4 g5xe3 4. c3-d4 e3xc5 5. b4xb8 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Be1,h2,e3,d4,h4,g5:Wb4,b6,d6,f6,h6,e7."] 1. d4-e5 $3 h6xd2 ( f6xf2 2. e1xg3 h6xf4 3. g3xc3 ) ( d6xd2 2. e1xc7 h6xf4 3. c7-d8 ) 2. e1xc7 d6xf4 3. c7-d8 f4-e3 4. h4-g5 f6xh4 5. d8xc1 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bb2,f2,c3,d4,c5:Wf4,a5,e5,f6,c7."] { [#] } 1. c5-d6 a5-b4 { best } 2. d6xb8 b4xd2 3. f2-e3 e5xa1 4. b8xh2 { a hard to find jump } d2xf4 5. h2xh8 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Ba1,e1,c3,d4,c5,e5,h6,g7:Wb2,g3,h4,a5,c7,d8,f8."] { [#]A very beautiful shot } 1. c3-b4 a5xc3 2. e1-f2 g3xe1 3. e5-f6 c3xe5 4. a1xc3 { The chain g5,e5,c7 appeared out of nowhere! } e1xg5 5. h6xb8 f8xh6 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bc1,e1,b2,d2,f2,h2,c3,g3,d4,a5:Wf4,h4,e5,g5,d6,f6,c7,e7,g7,h8."] 1. d4-c5 d6xb4 2. c3-d4 e5xa1 3. a5xc3 a1xg1 4. g3xe5 f6xd4 5. e1-f2 g1xe3 6. d2xb8 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Ba1,c1,e1,d2,f2,a3,c3,e3,a5:Wb4,h4,c5,e5,g5,f6,e7,g7,b8."] 1. c3-d4 e5xc3 2. f2-g3 h4xd4 3. a1-b2 c3xa1 4. a5xe5 f6xd4 5. c1-b2 a1xc3 6. d2xf4 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bg1,d2,b4,d4,g5:Wg3,h4,d6,f6,e7."] { [#] } 1. g1-h2 $1 g3-f2 2. b4-c5 d6xb4 3. d2-c3 b4xd2 4. d4-e5 f6xd4 5. h2-g3 h4xf6 6. g3xg7 { A delightful shot! I knew the composer - a phenomenally strong (physically and as a player) master from Odessa Yakov Gandlin who was also a master wrestler. } 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Ba1,c1,e1,g1,b2,c3,e3,b4,f4,a7:Wh4,e5,g5,d6,h6,c7,e7,g7,b8."] { [#] } 1. b4-c5 $1 e5xg3 2. c3-d4 d6xb4 3. e1-f2 g3xe1 4. e3-f4 g5xc5 5. c1-d2 e1xc3 6. b2xh8 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bc1,g1,d2,f2,h2,a3,e3,d4,f4,e5:Wh4,a5,g5,b6,f6,h6,a7,g7,d8,f8."] { [#]From one of Victor Litvinovich games } 1. d4-c5 f6xd4 { otherwise a dead game } 2. d2-c3 d4xb2 3. e3-d4 g5xe3 4. a3-b4 a5xe5 5. f2xh8 b6xd4 6. h8xa1 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bc1,g1,b2,f2,h2,a3,c3,e3,e5:Wh4,a5,c5,b6,d6,h6,c7,g7,f8."] 1. c3-b4 $1 a5xa1 ( d6xd2 2. b4xb8 d2-e1 3. b8-a7 e1xg3 4. h2xf4 ) 2. e3-f4 a1xf6 3. f4-g5 h6xf4 4. a3-b4 c5xa3 5. f2-g3 h4xf2 6. g1xa7 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Ba1,c1,e1,b2,h2,f4,h6:Wa3,c3,d4,c5,g5,d6,e7."] { [#]The "Lasso" shot } 1. f4-e5 d6xf4 2. c1-d2 a3xe3 3. h2-g3 f4xh2 4. h6xf8 h2-g1 5. f8-g7 d4-e3 6. g7-h6 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bd4,c5,Ke5:Wh2,b8."] { [#] } 1. c5-b6 h2-g1 2. d4-c5 b8-a7 ( g1-h2 3. c5-d6 h2-g1 ( { After } b8-a7 4. b6-c7 { easy win } ) 4. e5-h2 $1 g1xa7 5. h2-g1 ) 3. e5-d4 $1 g1-h2 4. d4-g1 h2-e5 5. b6-c7 e5xb8 6. g1-h2 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bc1,g1,f2,a3,c3,e3,g3,f4:Wh4,c5,e5,d6,h6,c7,g7,b8."] 1. a3-b4 c5xa3 2. e3-d4 g7-f6 3. f2-e3 h4xf2 4. c1-d2 e5xg3 5. c3-b4 a3xc5 6. d4xd8 f2xd4 7. d8xe7 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bg1,d2,a3,f4,c5:Wh2,b4,a5,d6,e7."] { [#] } 1. d2-e3 b4-c3 2. a3-b4 c3-b2 ( c3-d2 3. e3xc1 a5xc3 4. c5-b6 e7-f6 5. b6-a7 d6-c5 ( f6-e5 6. a7-b8 e5xg3 7. b8xa1 g3-f2 8. g1xe3 h2-g1 9. e3-f4 ) 6. a7-b8 c5-b4 7. f4-g5 f6xh4 8. b8-e5 h4-g3 9. e5xa1 g3-f2 10. g1xe3 h2-g1 11. e3-f4 ) ( e7-f6 3. b4xd2 d6xb4 4. d2-c3 b4xd2 5. e3xc1 ) 3. g1-f2 a5xc3 4. f2-g3 d6xb4 5. e3-d4 c3xe5 6. f4xf8 h2xf4 7. f8xh6 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Be1,f2,h2,c3,b4,d4,h4,c5:We3,a5,e5,f6,a7,e7,g7,b8."] 1. h4-g5 e3xg1 ( f6xh4 2. d4xd8 e3xg1 3. c3-d4 a5xe5 4. d8-a5 g1xb6 5. a5xf4 ) 2. e1-d2 f6xh4 3. d4xh8 g1xb6 4. h2-g3 h4xf2 5. d2-e3 f2xb2 6. h8xa1 a5xc3 7. a1xa5 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Ba1,c1,g1,d2,f2,a3,c3,e3,f4:Wh4,a5,c5,g5,b6,d6,f6,h6,g7."] 1. c1-b2 f6-e5 2. f2-g3 h4xd4 3. d2-e3 d4xf2 ( e5xg3 4. c3xc7 b6xd8 5. e3-d4 c5xe3 6. a3-b4 a5xc3 7. b2xh8 ) 4. g1xe3 e5xg3 5. e3-d4 c5xe3 6. c3-b4 a5xc3 7. b2xh8 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Ba1,c1,e1,f2,h2,g3,g5:Wa3,c3,e5,h6,e7,f8,h8."] 1. g5-f6 e7xg5 ( e5xg7 2. e1-d2 c3xe1 3. c1-b2 a3xc1 4. g3-h4 e1xg3 5. h2xf4 c1xg5 6. h4xd8 ) 2. e1-d2 c3xe1 3. c1-b2 a3xc1 4. a1-b2 c1xa3 5. g3-h4 e1xg3 6. h2xd6 a3xe7 7. h4xd8 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Ba1,c1,b2,f2,a3,g3,f4,h4,a5,e5,b6:Wc3,d4,c5,f6,h6,a7,e7,g7,b8,d8,h8."] { [#]Crazy and wonderful shot } 1. f2-e3 ( 1. e5-d6 f6-g5 2. d6xf8 g5xg1 3. f8xe1 a7xc5 $10 ) ( 1. b6-c7 d8xb6 2. a5xc7 b8xd6 3. e5xc7 c3-d2 4. c1xe3 c5-b4 $10 ) d4xf2 2. g3xe1 f6xd4 3. a3-b4 c5xa3 4. h4-g5 a7xc5 5. c1-d2 a3xe3 6. f4xf8 h6xf4 7. f8xc5 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Be1,g1,d2,f2,h2,c3,e3,b4,h6:Wa3,f4,c5,e5,g5,b6,d6,c7,f8."] 1. e3-d4 c5xc1 2. f2-g3 a3xc5 3. e1-d2 c1xe3 4. c3-d4 e5xc3 5. g3xe5 d6xf4 6. h2-g3 f4xh2 7. h6xb8 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Ba1,e1,g1,d2,f2,e3,g3,f4,h4:Wb4,c5,e5,b6,d6,h6,e7,g7,f8."] 1. h4-g5 g7-f6 ( e5-d4 2. d2-c3 ) ( b4-c3 2. d2xb4 c5xa3 3. g5-f6 e7xg5 4. g3-h4 e5xg3 5. h4xh8 d6-c5 6. f2xh4 c5-b4 7. h4-g5 ) ( b6-a5 2. g5-f6 e7xg5 3. g3-h4 e5xg3 4. h4xh8 b4-a3 5. f2xh4 c5-b4 6. e3-d4 d6-e5 7. d4xf6 f8-e7 8. f6xd8 b4-c3 9. h8xb2 a3xe3 ) 2. g3-h4 e5xg3 3. e3-d4 c5xc1 ( h6xf4 4. d2-e3 f4xd2 5. e1xg7 g3xe1 6. d4xb6 f8xh6 7. g1-f2 e1xg3 8. h4xf2 ) 4. g1-h2 h6xf4 5. f2-e3 f4xd2 6. e1xg7 f8xh6 7. h2xf4 c1xg5 8. h4xd8 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bc1,g1,d2,f2,e3,g3,f4,a5,g5:Wa3,e5,d6,f6,h6,c7,e7,f8,h8."] { [#] } 1. d2-c3 f6xh4 2. e3-d4 e7-f6 3. f2-e3 h4xf2 4. c1-d2 { A crucial waiting move. } e5xg3 5. c3-b4 a3xc5 6. d4xd8 f2xd4 7. d8xe7 f8xd6 8. a5-b6 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bc1,g1,c3,e3,g3,f4,e5:Wa3,a5,b6,h6,e7,g7,b8."] { [#] } 1. c1-b2 a3xc1 2. e3-d4 c1xg5 3. e5-f6 g7xe5 4. d4xd8 g5-h4 ( g5-c1 5. g3-f4 c1xg5 6. d8xh4 ) 5. c3-b4 h4xe1 ( a5xc3 6. d8xe1 h4xf2 7. e1xg3 ) 6. d8-h4 a5xc3 7. g1-f2 e1xg3 8. h4xd8 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Ba1,c1,e1,g1,d2,a3,c3,b4,f4,a5,h6:Wh2,g3,e5,b6,d6,f6,c7,g7,b8,f8."] 1. c3-d4 e5xc3 2. g1-f2 g3xe5 3. f2-g3 h2xf4 4. a1-b2 c3xa1 5. d2-c3 a1xd4 6. b4-c5 d6xb4 7. a3xe7 f8xd6 8. h6xf8 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bc1,g1,h2,c3,g3,b4,h4:We3,e5,d6,f6,h6,e7,g7."] { [#] } 1. c1-b2 e5-f4 2. g3xc7 e3-f2 3. g1xe3 e7-d6 4. c7xe5 f6xf2 5. h2-g3 { A typical counter move } $1 f2-g1 6. c3-d4 g1xc1 7. g3-f4 c1xg5 8. h4xh8 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bg1,d2,a3,h4,a5:Wc5,h6,a7,c7,e7."] { [#]Standard position - exploiting the stuck behind (restricted) checker on a7 } 1. d2-c3 e7-d6 ( e7-f6 2. g1-f2 f6-e5 3. c3-b4 c5-d4 4. f2-g3 d4-e3 ( c7-d6 5. g3-f4 e5xg3 6. h4xf2 d6-e5 7. a5-b6 ( 7. b4-c5 d4xb6 8. a5xc7 a7-b6 9. c7xa5 h6-g5 10. a5-b6 g5-f4 11. b6-c7 e5-d4 12. c7-d8 f4-e3 $10 ) a7xc5 8. b4xf4 d4-c3 9. f2-e3 ) 5. g3-f4 e5xg3 6. h4xd4 h6-g5 7. d4-c5 ) ( c7-d6 2. c3-b4 e7-f6 3. g1-f2 f6-e5 4. f2-g3 e5-d4 5. g3-f4 ( 5. a5-b6 d6-e5 6. b4xf4 a7xc5 $10 ) d6-e5 ( h6-g5 6. f4xh6 d4-e3 7. h6-g7 e3-d2 8. g7-f8 d2-c1 ( d2-e1 9. f8-h6 a7-b6 10. a5xe5 e1xa5 11. e5-f6 $16 ) 9. f8-h6 ) 6. f4xd6 c5xe7 7. a5-b6 a7xc5 8. b4xf8 d4-e3 9. f8-c5 e3-d2 10. c5-d4 d2-c1 11. d4-e5 c1-d2 12. e5-f4 d2xg5 13. h4xf6 ) 2. c3-b4 c5-d4 3. g1-f2 d6-e5 ( d4-c3 4. b4xd2 a7-b6 5. f2-e3 b6-c5 6. e3-f4 c5-d4 7. a3-b4 d4-e3 8. d2-c3 e3xg5 9. h4xf6 ) 4. f2-g3 h6-g5 5. h4xf6 e5xg7 6. g3-f4 g7-f6 ( d4-e3 7. f4xd2 a7-b6 8. d2-e3 g7-f6 9. e3-f4 ) ( a7-b6 7. b4-c5 d4-c3 8. c5xa7 c3-d2 9. a7-b8 ) 7. b4-c5 d4xb6 8. a3-b4 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bc1,a3,c3,h4,e5:Wc5,b6,h6,e7,g7."] { [#] } 1. e5-d6 c5-d4 2. d6xf8 d4xb2 3. a3-b4 $1 b2-a1 4. b4-c5 { Place a stopper } b6xd4 5. c1-b2 a1xc3 6. h4-g5 h6xf4 7. f8xb4 d4-e3 8. b4-e1 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Be1,d2,f2,h2,a3,c3,g3,b4,d4,h4:We5,b6,d6,f6,h6,a7,c7,g7,d8,f8."] { [#] } 1. h4-g5 h6xf4 2. d2-e3 f4xd2 3. b4-a5 d2xb4 4. a3xg5 e5xc3 5. g5-f6 { A second shot! } $1 g7xe5 6. e1-d2 c3xe1 7. g3-h4 e1xg3 8. h2xb8 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bg1,f2,h2,c3,b4,d4,f4,c5:Wh4,a5,b6,d6,f6,h6,a7,e7."] { [#]A standard position coming from several opening } 1. f2-e3 $1 f6-e5 ( h4-g3 2. f4-e5 $1 d6xd2 3. c3xe1 a5xe5 4. h2xf8 b6xd4 5. e1-d2 f6-g5 6. f8-a3 g5-f4 7. a3-c1 d4-e3 ( d4-c3 8. d2xb4 a7-b6 9. c1xg5 h6xf4 10. g1-f2 ) 8. d2-c3 a7-b6 ( h6-g5 ) 9. c1-a3 { and no defense against c3-d4 } ) 2. d4xd8 b6xb2 3. d8-f6 a5xc3 4. f4-g5 h6xd2 5. h2-g3 h4xf2 6. g1xa3 c3-d2 7. f6-c3 d2xb4 8. a3xe7 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Ba1,g1,d2,h2,c3,h4,a5,e5:Wb2,b6,h6,c7,e7,g7,b8."] { [#] } 1. c3-d4 b2-c1 ( e7-f6 { This reply does not work in Russian checkers because of the Flying King and was originally overlooked. } 2. a1xc3 b6-c5 3. d4xd8 f6xb2 { Actually the original "flaw" turned out to be a "feature"! The resulting play is very educational. } 4. d8-b6 b2-c1 ( b2-a1 5. b6-e3 a1-f6 ( g7-f6 6. d2-c3 a1xf2 7. g1xe3 ) 6. a5-b6 $1 f6-e7 ( f6-d8 7. g1-f2 d8xg3 8. h2xf4 ) ( f6-b2 7. b6-c7 b8xd6 8. h4-g5 h6xf4 9. e3xc1 ) ( f6-a1 7. b6-c7 b8xd6 8. h4-g5 h6xf4 9. e3xa3 ) 7. e3-c5 e7xe1 8. g1-f2 e1xg3 9. h2xf4 g7-f6 10. b6-a7 h6-g5 11. f4xh6 f6-e5 12. h6-g7 e5-d4 13. g7-h8 d4-e3 14. h8-c3 e3-f2 15. c3-d4 f2-g1 ( f2-e1 16. d4-f2 e1xg3 17. h4xf2 ) 16. d4-c5 g1xb6 17. a7xc5 ) ( b8-c7 5. b6xd8 g7-f6 6. d8xg5 h6xf4 7. a5-b6 b2-c1 8. d2-c3 f4-e3 9. b6-a7 { win } ) 5. b6-f2 c1xf4 6. f2-g3 { win } ) 2. e5-d6 c7xe1 ( c1xc5 3. d6xf8 c5-e3 ( c5-a3 4. h4-g5 h6xf4 5. f8xa7 { and win } ) 4. h4-g5 h6xf4 5. f8xh6 e3-c5 ( b8-a7 6. h2-g3 f4xh2 7. h6xc1 ) 6. h6xe3 c5xf2 7. g1xe3 ) ( e7xe3 3. d2xf4 c1xg5 4. h4xh8 ) 3. a5xc7 b8xd6 4. g1-f2 { The "steps" mechanism } e1xg3 5. h2xf4 c1xg5 6. h4xd8 d6-e5 ( d6-c5 7. a1-b2 c5-d4 8. d8-b6 ) 7. d8-c7 e5-d4 8. c7-b6 d4-c3 9. b6-a5 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Be1,g1,b2,d2,f2,h2,c3,g3,b4,h4:Wd4,e5,b6,d6,f6,a7,c7,g7,d8,f8."] { [#] } 1. h4-g5 f6xh4 2. g3-f4 e5xg3 3. c3xe5 d6xf4 4. b4-c5 b6xd4 5. d2-e3 f4xd2 6. e1xe5 g3xe1 { Only now we see the idea } 7. e5-f6 g7xe5 8. g1-f2 e1xg3 9. h2xb8 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Be1,b2,a3,c3,a5:We3,d4,f4,e5,a7."] 1. a5-b6 a7xc5 2. c3-b4 d4-c3 3. b2xf2 ( 3. b2xf6 f4-g3 4. b4xd6 e3-f2 $10 ) ( 3. b2xb6 e3-f2 4. e1xg3 f4xh2 5. b6-a7 h2-g1 6. b4-c5 g1xb6 7. a7xc5 e5-f4 $10 ) c5-d4 4. b4-c5 d4xb6 5. a3-b4 f4-g3 6. f2xh4 e5-d4 7. h4-g5 b6-a5 8. b4-c5 d4xb6 9. g5-f6 a5-b4 10. f6-g7 b4-c3 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bc1,e1,g1,d2,f2,h2,a3,c3,e3,f4,e5:Wh4,a5,c5,b6,d6,h6,c7,g7,b8,f8,h8."] { [#] } 1. e5-f6 $1 g7xg3 2. h2xf4 h8-g7 3. g1-h2 h6-g5 ( f8-e7 4. f4-e5 d6xf4 5. e3xg5 h4xf6 6. c3-b4 a5xc3 7. d2xf8 ) ( b8-a7 4. f4-e5 d6xf4 5. e3xg5 h4xf6 6. c3-b4 a5xc3 7. d2xb8 ) 4. f4xh6 g7-f6 5. e3-f4 f6-g5 ( b8-a7 6. d2-e3 f8-e7 7. c3-d4 f6-g5 8. h6-g7 e7-f6 9. g7xe5 a5-b4 10. f4xh6 d6xd2 11. c1xe3 ) 6. f4-e5 d6xf4 7. c3-b4 a5xc3 8. d2xd6 c7xe5 9. f2-e3 f4xd2 10. h6xd6 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bc1,b2,h2,c3,e3,g3,d4,h4,a7:Wa3,e5,g5,d6,f6,h6,c7,e7,b8."] { [#] } 1. g3-f4 e5xg3 2. h2xf4 c7-b6 3. a7xc5 d6xd2 4. b2-c3 d2xb4 5. c1-b2 a3xc1 6. d4-e5 f6xf2 7. h4xd8 c1xg5 8. d8xa5 h6-g5 9. a5-d2 g5-h4 10. d2-f4 b8-a7 11. f4-c7 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Be3,b4,d4,h4,c5,f6:Wa5,g5,a7,e7,d8,f8."] { [#] } 1. d4-e5 a5xc3 2. c5-b6 a7xc5 3. e3-f4 g5xe3 4. e5-d6 e7xg5 5. d6xh6 d8-e7 6. h4-g5 e7-d6 7. g5-f6 d6-c5 8. f6-e7 f8xd6 9. h6-g7 c5-d4 10. g7-f8 d6-e5 11. f8-g7 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bf2,h2,a3,e3,g3,f4,c7:Wh4,a5,c5,g5,h6,a7,h8."] { [#] } 1. c7-b8 $1 ( 1. c7-d8 $2 h8-g7 $1 2. d8-c7 c5-d4 3. e3xc5 g5xg1 $17 ) c5-d4 2. e3xc5 g5xg1 3. g3-f4 g1xb6 4. a3-b4 a5xc3 5. h2-g3 h4xf2 6. f4-g5 h6xf4 7. b8xc7 h8-g7 8. c7-e5 g7-h6 9. e5-f4 a7-b6 10. f4-e3 b6-a5 11. e3-d2 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bc1,e1,g1,b2,d2,h2,g3,d4,f4,h4,c5:Wa3,b4,a5,d6,f6,h6,c7,e7,g7,d8,h8."] 1. d2-c3 b4xd2 2. c1xe3 a3xc1 3. g1-f2 d6xb4 4. d4-e5 f6xd4 5. e3xa3 c1xg5 6. h4xf6 e7xg5 7. a3-b4 a5xc3 8. e1-d2 c3xe1 9. g3-h4 e1xg3 10. h4xf6 g7xe5 11. h2xb8 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bd2,h2,c3,e3,g3,h4,a5:Wf4,c5,e5,g5,f6,h6,g7."] { [#]A very important position that comes out from several openings - to win white must pitch two! checkers: } 1. a5-b6 c5xa7 2. c3-b4 a7-b6 3. b4-c5 $1 b6xf2 4. g3xe1 e5-d4 5. d2-e3 f4xd2 6. e1xe5 f6xd4 7. h4xh8 d4-e3 8. h8-c3 h6-g5 9. c3-a5 g5-h4 10. a5-b4 e3-f2 11. b4-c5 f2-e1 12. c5-f2 e1xg3 13. h2xf4 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bf2,c3,e3,b4,d4,f4:Wh4,a5,g5,b6,d6,h6."] { [#]Important ending } 1. d4-e5 b6-c5 2. e5xc7 c5xa3 3. c7-d8 $1 ( 3. c7-b8 a5-b4 4. c3xa5 a3-b2 5. b8-d6 ( 5. a5-b6 b2-c1 6. b6-a7 c1-d2 7. e3xc1 g5xg1 8. b8-d6 h4-g3 9. d6xh2 g1-d4 ) b2-a1 6. d6-c5 a1-c3 7. c5-b6 c3-d2 8. e3xc1 g5xg1 ) a5-b4 4. c3xa5 a3-b2 5. a5-b6 b2-a1 ( b2-c1 6. f2-g3 h4xd4 7. d8xh4 c1xg5 8. h4xc3 ) 6. b6-a7 a1-h8 ( a1-d4 7. e3xc5 g5xg1 8. d8-a5 g1xb6 9. a5xc7 ) 7. a7-b8 h8-c3 8. d8-a5 c3-a1 ( c3-b2 9. f2-g3 h4xd4 10. a5-d8 g5xe3 11. b8-e5 d4xf6 12. d8xa3 ) ( c3-f6 9. f2-g3 h4xd4 10. a5-d8 g5xe3 11. d8xd2 ) ( c3-g7 9. f2-g3 h4xd4 10. a5-d8 g5xe3 11. d8-f6 g7xe5 12. b8xd2 h6-g5 13. d2xh6 d4-c3 14. h6-c1 ) { } 9. b8-a7 { We need to "steal" a move. } $1 a1-h8 ( a1-g7 10. f2-g3 h4xd4 11. a7xg1 g5xe3 12. g1xh8 ) 10. a5-b4 { Wait. } h8-a1 11. b4-e1 { Wait some more... } a1-h8 12. e1-a5 { Now! } $1 h8-a1 13. a7-b8 { No moves! } $1 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Be1,g1,b2,d2,h2,a3,f4,g5,h6:We3,a5,c5,d6,a7,c7,e7,f8,h8."] { [#]Great shot! } 1. g5-f6 e7xg5 2. b2-c3 e3xc1 3. f4-e5 d6xf4 4. e1-d2 c1xe3 5. c3-b4 a5xc3 6. h2-g3 f4xh2 7. h6xb8 f8-e7 8. a3-b4 h8-g7 9. b8-e5 g7-h6 10. b4-c5 h6-g5 11. e5-f6 g5-f4 12. f6xd8 f4-e3 13. d8-a5 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bg1,c3,e3,d4,f4,c5:Wh2,b6,h6,a7,e7,f8."] { [#] } 1. c3-b4 h6-g5 { (best) } ( b6-a5 2. f4-e5 a5xc3 3. d4xb2 f8-g7 4. e5-d6 e7-f6 5. d6-c7 ) ( e7-d6 2. c5xe7 f8xd6 3. d4-e5 b6-a5 4. e5xc7 a5xc3 5. c7-d8 c3-b2 6. e3-d4 b2-a1 7. d8-h4 a1xg3 8. h4xf2 h6-g5 9. f2-e3 g5-h4 10. e3-f2 ) 2. f4xh6 b6-a5 3. d4-e5 a5xc3 4. c5-b6 a7xc5 5. e3-d4 c5xe3 6. e5-f6 e7xg5 7. h6xb4 f8-e7 8. b4-c5 e7-f6 9. c5-d6 f6-g5 10. d6-c7 g5-f4 11. c7-b8 f4-e3 12. g1-f2 e3xg1 13. b8-a7 g1-d4 14. a7xg1 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bc1,b2,d2,a3,c3,e3,d4,f4,h4:Wc5,b6,d6,f6,h6,a7,e7,b8,f8."] { The first pure Pool shot } 1. a3-b4 c5xa3 2. f4-e5 d6xf4 3. e3xg5 h6xf4 4. d4-c5 b6xd4 5. c3xg7 f8xh6 6. d2-e3 f4xd2 7. c1xe3 a3xc1 8. e3-f4 c1xg5 9. h4xd8 b8-c7 ( a7-b6 10. d8xa5 h6-g5 11. a5-d2 g5-h4 12. d2-f4 b8-a7 13. f4-c7 ) 10. d8xa5 h6-g5 11. a5-d2 g5-h4 12. d2-e1 a7-b6 13. e1-f2 b6-a5 14. f2-e1 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bc1,g1,b2,f4,g5:Wa3,d4,b6,h6,b8."] { [#]Famous } 1. g5-f6 b6-c5 2. f6-e7 c5-b4 3. e7-d8 b4-c3 4. d8-a5 c3xa1 5. a5-c3 d4xb2 6. f4-e5 b8-c7 7. e5-f6 c7-d6 8. g1-f2 h6-g5 9. f6xh4 d6-c5 10. h4-g5 c5-d4 11. g5-f6 d4-c3 12. f2-e3 c3-d2 13. f6-g7 d2xf4 14. g7-f8 $1 f4-e3 ( f4-g3 15. f8-c5 g3-h2 16. c5-g1 ) 15. c1-d2 e3xc1 16. f8-h6 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "1-1"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Ba3,b4,h4,a5:Wd4,a7,c7,h8."] { [#]One often bets this position to survive, the opponent biting thinking to surprise you with a pitch :) } 1. b4-c5 d4xb6 2. a3-b4 h8-g7 3. h4-g5 c7-d6 4. a5xe5 a7-b6 5. e5-d6 g7-h6 ( b6-c5 6. b4-a5 c5xe7 7. g5-h6 g7-f6 8. a5-b6 e7-d6 9. b6-a7 d6-c5 10. a7-b8 c5-d4 11. b8-f4 d4-c3 12. f4-c1 f6-e5 13. h6-g7 ) 6. g5-f6 b6-c5 7. f6-g7 h6xf8 $10 ( c5xa3 8. g7-h8 h6-g5 9. d6-c7 g5-f4 10. c7-b8 f4-e3 11. h8-d4 e3xc5 12. b8-e5 ) 1-1 [Black "Afonin, A."] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date "1955"] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bc1,e1,g1,a3,c3,f4,g5:Wc5,b6,d6,c7,e7,g7,f8."] { [#] } 1. c3-b4 $1 g7-h6 ( b6-a5 2. f4-e5 a5xc3 3. c1-d2 d6xh6 4. d2xb8 ) ( g7-f6 2. c1-d2 f6xh4 3. f4-e5 d6xf4 4. b4xb8 ) 2. e1-f2 $1 f8-g7 ( b6-a5 3. g5-f6 ) 3. g1-h2 b6-a5 ( g7-f6 4. c1-d2 f6xh4 5. f4-e5 d6xf4 6. b4xb8 ) 4. h2-g3 $1 a5xc3 5. c1-d2 c3xe1 6. g3-h4 e1xe5 7. g5-f6 e7xg5 8. h4xd8 2-0 [Black "Ayupov, A."] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date "1969"] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Ba1,c1,e1,d2,f2,a3,c3,e3,g3,h4:Wb4,a5,c5,e5,b6,f6,h6,a7,d8,f8."] 1. g3-f4 e5xg3 2. e3-d4 c5xg1 3. h4xf2 g1xb2 4. a3xc5 b6xd4 5. a1xg7 2-0 [Black "Ayupov, A."] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date "1974"] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bf2,a3,c3,d4,h4,c5,h6:Wg3,a5,e7,g7,d8,f8."] 1. c3-b4 a5xe5 2. h4-g5 g3xe1 3. a3-b4 e1xa5 4. c5-b6 a5xc7 5. g5-f6 e7xg5 6. h6xb8 2-0 [Black "Birnman, Jack"] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date "1966"] [Result "1-1"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bc1,e1,g1,c3:We3,g5,b6,d6,a7."] { [#] } 1. c3-b4 $1 g5-f4 ( b6-a5 2. e1-f2 a5xc3 3. f2xb2 g5-f4 4. g1-f2 d6-e5 5. b2-c3 a7-b6 6. c3-b4 $10 ) ( b6-c5 2. e1-d2 c5xa3 3. d2xh6 ) ( d6-e5 2. b4-a5 ) ( g5-h4 2. b4-a5 b6-c5 3. e1-f2 ( { or } 3. e1-d2 e3-f2 4. g1xe3 c5-b4 5. a5xc3 h4-g3 6. c3-d4 g3-h2 7. d4-e5 d6xf4 8. e3xg5 ) c5-d4 4. f2-g3 h4xf2 5. c1-d2 e3xc1 6. g1xe7 ) 2. b4-a5 $1 b6-c5 3. a5-b6 $1 c5-d4 ( c5-b4 4. e1-f2 a7xc5 5. f2xb6 ) 4. c1-d2 $1 a7xc5 5. g1-f2 $3 e3xc1 ( e3xg1 6. d2-e3 d4xf2 7. e1xc7 $10 ) 6. f2-e3 f4xd2 7. e1xc7 $10 1-1 [Black "Blinder, Boris"] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bg1,Kh6,Kf8:WKg3,f6."] { [#] } 1. f8-c5 $1 f6-e5 ( g3-e5 2. g1-h2 e5-c3 3. c5-d4 c3xe5 4. h6-f4 e5xg3 5. h2xf4 ) 2. h6-g7 e5-f4 3. c5-b6 $1 ( 3. g1-h2 g3-e1 4. c5-d4 ( 4. g7-h6 f4-g3 5. h2xf4 e1-c3 $10 ) e1-d2 $1 5. d4-e3 d2-c3 { It is called "False lead" } $3 $10 ) ( 3. c5-d4 $2 g3-e1 4. g7-h6 f4-g3 $10 5. g1-h2 g3-f2 6. d4xg1 e1-c3 ) g3-h4 ( g3-h2 4. b6-f2 ) ( g3-e1 4. b6-a5 e1-h4 5. g1-f2 h4xe1 6. g7-c3 e1xb4 7. a5xg5 ) 4. b6-d8 h4-e1 ( h4-g3 5. d8-h4 g3-h2 6. h4-f2 ) 5. d8-a5 e1-g3 6. g1-f2 g3xe1 7. g7-c3 e1xb4 8. a5xg5 2-0 [Black "Blinder, Boris"] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Be1,g1,f2,a3,c3,g3,b4:Wh4,c5,e5,g5,b6,d6,d8."] { [#] } 1. g3-f4 e5xg3 2. g1-h2 g5-f4 3. b4-a5 d6-e5 ( d8-c7 4. c3-b4 c5-d4 5. b4-c5 d6xb4 6. a3xg5 h4xf6 7. f2xh4 b6-c5 8. h2-g3 c7-d6 ( c5-d4 9. e1-d2 c7-d6 10. d2-e3 d4xf2 11. g3xe1 d6-c5 12. e1-d2 f6-e5 13. h4-g5 e5-d4 14. g5-h6 ) 9. e1-d2 d6-e5 10. g3-f4 e5xg3 11. h4xf2 f6-e5 12. f2-g3 c5-d4 13. a5-b6 ) 4. a5xc7 d8xb6 5. f2-e3 f4xb4 6. h2xd6 c5xe7 7. a3xa7 h4-g3 8. a7-b8 g3-h2 9. b8-a7 ( 9. e1-f2 $2 e7-d6 10. b8xf4 h2-g1 11. f4-e3 g1-h2 $10 ) e7-d6 10. a7-g1 d6-e5 11. e1-d2 e5-f4 12. d2-c3 f4-g3 13. c3-b4 g3-f2 14. g1xa7 h2-g1 15. b4-c5 g1xb6 16. a7xc5 2-0 [Black "Boyko, Sergey"] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bg1,b2,f2,h2,a3,f4,h4:Wd2,d6,h6,a7,e7,g7."] 1. f2-e3 d2-e1 2. f4-e5 $3 d6xd2 3. g1-f2 e1xg3 4. h2xf4 g7-f6 ( d2-e1 5. a3-b4 e1xa5 6. b2-c3 a5xg5 7. h4xd8 ) 5. b2-c3 d2xb4 6. a3xc5 2-0 [Black "Boyko, Sergey"] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bg1,b2,f2,h2,a3,f4,h4:WKe1,d6,h6,a7,e7,g7."] { [#] } 1. f4-e5 d6xf4 ( e1xg3 2. h2xf4 d6-c5 3. e5-d6 a7-b6 4. d6xb4 ) 2. f2-e3 f4xd2 3. g1-f2 e1xg3 4. h2xf4 d2-e1 5. a3-b4 e1xa5 6. b2-c3 a5xg5 7. h4xd8 2-0 [Black "Boyko, Sergey"] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Ba1,c1,g1,h2,a3,e3,g3,f4,a5:Wd2,h6,a7,c7,e7,g7,b8,h8."] 1. g1-f2 ( 1. g3-h4 d2-e1 2. c1-b2 e1-f2 $10 ) d2-e1 ( e7-d6 2. a3-b4 d2-e1 ( a7-b6 3. b4-c5 b6xd4 4. e3xe7 d2-e1 5. e7-f8 ) 3. c1-d2 e1xc3 4. b4xd2 ) ( c7-d6 2. f4-g5 h6xf4 3. g3xc7 b8xd6 4. f2-g3 d2xf4 5. g3xc7 ) ( g7-f6 2. e3-d4 d2-e1 3. c1-d2 e1xe5 4. f4xf8 ) ( e7-f6 2. a1-b2 c7-b6 ( f6-e5 3. f4xd6 c7xe5 4. a3-b4 d2xf4 5. b4-c5 g7-f6 6. b2-c3 ) 3. a5xc7 b8xd6 4. b2-c3 ) 2. c1-b2 $1 ( 2. a1-b2 c7-b6 3. a5xc7 b8xd6 4. e3-d4 g7-f6 ) c7-b6 ( g7-f6 3. b2-c3 e1xb4 4. a5xc3 ) 3. a5xc7 b8xd6 4. f4-e5 $3 d6xd2 5. g3-h4 $1 e1xg3 6. h2xf4 e7-f6 ( a7-b6 7. b2-c3 d2xb4 8. a3xa7 ) ( g7-f6 7. b2-c3 d2xb4 8. a3xc5 h6-g5 9. f4xh6 f6-e5 10. h4-g5 ) ( d2-e1 7. a3-b4 e1xa5 8. b2-c3 a5xg5 9. h4xd8 ) ( h6-g5 7. f4xd6 d2-e1 8. d6-c7 ) 7. f4-e5 $1 f6xd4 8. h4-g5 h6xf4 9. b2-c3 d4xb2 10. a3xg5 2-0 [Black "Guralnik, A."] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date "1980"] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bc1,a3,c3,h4,e5,f6:We3,a5,c5,b6,h6,h8."] 1. f6-e7 c5-d4 ( e3-f2 2. e7-d8 f2-g1 3. c3-b4 a5xc3 4. d8xe1 ) 2. e7-d8 d4xb2 3. a3-b4 a5xc3 4. d8xf4 b2-a1 5. e5-f6 a1xg7 6. c1-b2 g7xa1 7. h4-g5 h8-g7 8. f4-h2 h6xf4 9. h2xh8 2-0 [Black "Heif, L."] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "1-1"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bf2,h2,b4,d4,f4:Wh4,b6,d6,f6,h6."] 1. f2-g3 $3 h4xf2 2. h2-g3 $1 f2xh4 3. b4-a5 f6-g5 4. a5xe5 g5xc5 5. e5-f6 c5-d4 6. f6-e7 d4-c3 7. e7-d8 c3-b2 ( h4-g3 8. d8-f6 $10 ) 8. d8-c7 $10 1-1 [Black "Kalinskiy, Dmitry"] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Be1,d4,e7:Wf4,g5,h6."] { [#] } 1. e7-d8 $1 g5-h4 2. d8-b6 h4-g3 3. b6-c5 $1 g3-h2 4. e1-f2 h6-g5 ( h2-g1 5. f2-e3 f4xd2 6. c5-a7 g1xc5 7. a7xc1 ) 5. c5-f8 $3 f4-e3 ( g5-h4 6. f2-g3 h4xf2 7. d4-e5 f4xd6 8. f8xg1 ) ( h2-g1 6. f8-c5 g1xe3 7. d4xf2 ) 6. f8-h6 e3xg1 7. h6xe3 2-0 [Black "Kovrizhkin, A."] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "1-1"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bc1,b2,a3,g3,a5:Wd4,c5,e5,g5,c7."] { [#] } 1. g3-h4 g5-f4 2. c1-d2 d4-e3 ( c7-d6 3. b2-c3 d4xb2 4. a3xc1 e5-d4 5. d2-c3 d4xb2 6. c1xa3 d6-e5 7. a3-b4 c5xa3 8. a5-b6 a3-b2 9. b6-c7 b2-c1 10. c7-d8 c1-b2 11. h4-g5 f4xh6 12. d8-c7 e5-d4 13. c7-b6 d4-c3 14. b6-a5 $10 ) 3. a3-b4 $3 c5xc1 ( e3xa3 4. b4xb8 $10 ) 4. h4-g5 f4xh6 5. d2xb8 1-1 [Black "Kuperman, Iser"] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bc1,g1,d2,h2,c3,f4,h4,g5,h6:Wc5,d6,a7,c7,e7,g7,b8,d8,f8."] 1. c3-d4 c5xe3 2. f4-e5 d6xf4 3. g5-f6 g7xe5 4. h6-g7 f8xh6 5. h2-g3 f4xh2 6. d2xf8 2-0 [Black "Kuperman, Iser"] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Ba3,c3,e3,b4,f4,a7:Wc5,d6,f6,g7,b8,d8."] 1. b4-a5 $1 ( 1. c3-d4 b8-c7 2. d4xb6 c7xc3 3. a7-b8 c3-d2 4. e3xc1 d8-e7 5. b8xe5 f6xd4 $10 ) f6-e5 ( g7-h6 2. a5-b6 ) 2. a3-b4 $1 e5xg3 3. a5-b6 c5xa3 4. e3-f4 g3xe5 5. c3-b4 a3xc5 6. b6xh8 2-0 [Black "Kuperman, Iser"] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Be1,d2,f2,c3,b4,f4,h4:Wb6,d6,h6,g7,d8,f8,h8."] 1. f4-e5 d6xf4 2. d2-e3 f4xd2 3. b4-a5 d2xb4 4. a5xc7 d8xb6 5. h4-g5 h6xf4 6. f2-e3 f4xd2 7. e1xc7 2-0 [Black "Kuperman, Iser"] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Be1,b2,d2,f2,h2,a3,c3,g3,b4,f4,a5:Wd4,e5,d6,f6,h6,a7,c7,e7,g7,d8,f8."] 1. g3-h4 e5xg3 2. h2xf4 f6-g5 ( f6-e5 3. h4-g5 e5xg3 4. f2xh4 h6xf4 5. c3xg3 ) 3. h4xh8 a7-b6 4. c3xe5 f8-g7 5. h8xf6 e7xc1 6. b2-c3 d6xf4 7. e1-d2 c1xg1 8. c3-d4 g1xc5 9. b4xb8 f4-e3 10. a5xc7 d8xb6 11. b8-a7 2-0 [Black "Norvayshas, A."] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bc1,Kh2,Ka3,Kf4:Wb2,f2,b6."] { [#] } 1. a3-e7 $1 b2-a1 2. e7-h4 $1 f2-e1 ( f2-g1 3. c1-b2 a1xg3 4. h4xa7 ) 3. c1-b2 a1xg3 4. h2xa5 2-0 [Black "Santsevich, V."] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "1-1"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bc1,d2,c3,e3,f4,h4,g5,h6:Wa3,b4,a5,c5,d6,f6,e7,f8."] { [#]This position was analized for many years with various conclusions until Russian master Vladimir Santsevich had the last word - it is a draw. } 1. h6-g7 $1 ( 1. c3-d4 b4-c3 2. d4xb6 a5xc7 3. d2xb4 a3xc5 4. e3-d4 c5xe3 5. f4xd2 c7-b6 6. d2-e3 b6-c5 { win } ) f8xh6 ( f6xh8 $2 2. e3-d4 c5xe3 3. g5-h6 e3xg5 4. h4xd8 ) 2. c3-d4 b4-c3 3. d4xb2 f6-e5 ( c5-b4 $2 4. b2-c3 f6-e5 5. e3-d4 e5xg3 6. h4xf2 h6xf4 7. f2-e3 $1 f4-g3 8. e3-f4 g3xe5 9. d4xd8 ) 4. b2-c3 e5xg3 5. h4xf2 h6xf4 6. e3xg5 d6-e5 $1 7. f2-e3 a3-b2 { } $1 8. c1xa3 ( 8. c3xa1 e7-d6 { A hard to find move. } $1 9. g5-h6 e5-d4 10. h6-g7 ( 10. e3-f4 d6-e5 11. f4xb4 a5xe1 $10 ) d4xf2 11. d2-e3 f2xd4 12. g7-h8 d6-e5 { followed by e5-f4 and f4-g3 with an obvious draw } ) e5-f4 9. g5-h6 ( 9. c3-d4 f4xh6 10. d4xb6 a5xc7 11. e3-f4 c7-d6 $10 ) f4-g3 10. h6-g7 ( 10. e3-f4 g3xe5 11. h6-g7 e7-f6 $1 12. g7-h8 c5-d4 { No waiting move } $10 ) g3-h2 ( e7-f6 11. g7xe5 g3-h2 12. e3-f4 h2-g1 13. f4-g5 g1-h2 ( g1-d4 $2 14. g5-f6 d4xa1 15. d2-c3 a1xd4 16. e5xc3 ) 14. e5-f6 h2-b8 15. g5-h6 c5-d4 16. c3xe5 b8xc1 17. f6-g7 c1-e3 18. g7-h8 a5-b4 19. a3xc5 e3xa7 ) 11. g7-h8 ( 11. e3-f4 h2-g1 12. f4-g5 ( 12. g7-f8 e7-f6 13. f8xb4 f6-e5 14. f4xd6 g1-d4 15. c3xe5 a5xe1 16. e5-f6 e1-c3 17. f6-e7 ) c5-d4 $1 13. c3xe5 e7-d6 14. e5xc7 a5-b4 15. a3xc5 g1xh4 ) h2-g1 12. e3-f4 c5-b4 $1 ( e7-d6 { leads to a harder draw. } 13. h8-g7 ( 13. f4-g5 c5-d4 14. c3xc7 a5-b4 15. a3xc5 g1xh4 ) ( 13. h8-f6 $2 c5-d4 14. c3xc7 a5-b4 15. a3xc5 g1xc1 ) g1-e3 14. g7-h6 e3xc1 15. f4-e5 d6xf4 16. h6xa7 a5-b4 ( c1-f4 17. a7-e3 f4xb4 18. a3xc5 ) 17. a3xc5 c1-a3 18. c5-b6 a3-e7 19. b6-c7 e7-f6 20. a7-d4 f6-d8 21. d4-b6 d8-f6 22. b6-d4 f6-d8 23. c7-b8 d8-a5 ) ( g1-e3 $2 13. f4-e5 e3xc1 14. e5-d6 c5-d4 15. d6xf8 d4xb2 16. h8xa1 ) 13. a3xc5 g1xa7 14. h8-g7 ( 14. f4-g5 e7-d6 { and no defense against d6-e5 } ) e7-f6 15. g7xe5 a7-e3 $10 1-1 [Black "Shmulyan, T."] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Be1,b2,d2,f2,h2,a3,e3,b4,h4:Wa5,c5,e5,d6,h6,c7,b8,f8,h8."] 1. h2-g3 $3 a5xa1 2. d2-c3 a1xd4 3. e3-f4 d4xg1 4. e1-f2 g1xg5 5. h4xd8 d6-e5 6. a3-b4 e5-d4 7. d8-b6 2-0 [Black "Sokolov, S."] [White "Vorontsov, S."] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date "1924"] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Be1,g1,c3,b4,c5:Wf4,h4,d6,a7,e7."] { [#] } 1. c3-d4 f4-g3 2. g1-f2 $3 g3-h2 3. d4-e5 $1 d6xf4 4. f2-g3 h4xf2 5. e1xe5 2-0 [Black "Sokov, V."] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Be1,f2,h2,a3,e3,b4,f4,a5,c5:Wh4,g5,d6,f6,h6,a7,c7,e7,b8."] { [#] } 1. h2-g3 $1 f6-e5 2. a5-b6 c7xc3 3. e3-d4 g5xg1 4. d4xd8 h4xf2 5. e1xg3 d6xb4 6. a3xc5 g1xb6 7. d8xd2 2-0 [Black "Sokov, V."] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bc1,e1,d2,f2,h2,d4,h6:Wa3,b4,h4,a5,b6,f8,h8."] { [#]This game was played by the greatest of Russian players, Vasiliy Sokov(he died defending Leningrad during WWII), in the simultaneous exhibition. Seeing his opponent's desire to catch him on a "secret" shot Sokov moved } 1. h2-g3 { What do you think happened next? } $1 b4-c3 $2 2. d4xb2 f8-g7 3. h6xf8 b6-c5 { (at this time there was a rush of onlookers to the board to see the champion being shot!) } 4. f8xb4 a5xa1 { but... with a smile, and the laughter from the public the game ended with } 5. f2-e3 $1 h4xd4 6. d2-c3 d4xb2 7. e1-f2 h8-g7 8. f2-e3 g7-f6 9. e3-f4 2-0 [Black "Sokov, V."] [White "Khachaturov, N."] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bc1,d2,f2,h2,e3:Wb4,g5,d6,f6,c7."] { [#] } 1. f2-g3 g5-h4 ( c7-b6 2. d2-c3 b4xf4 3. g3xg7 ) ( b4-a3 2. c1-b2 a3xc1 3. d2-c3 c1xf4 4. g3xg7 ) 2. d2-c3 $3 2-0 [Black "Tartakover, S."] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "1-1"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bc1,a5,f6,h6:Wf2,a3,c5,f8."] { [#] } f2-e1 ( f2-g1 2. f6-g7 g1-d4 3. g7-h8 d4-a1 4. a5-b6 c5xa7 5. c1-d2 a3-b2 6. d2-e3 a7-b6 7. h8-f6 ( 7. e3-f4 b6-c5 8. f4-e5 c5-d4 9. e5xc3 b2xd4 10. h8xc3 a1xd4 ) ( 7. h8-d4 b2-c1 8. d4xa7 c1xf4 ) b6-c5 8. f6-d8 c5-b4 9. d8-f6 b4-c3 10. f6-d8 b2-c1 11. d8-g5 c1xf4 12. g5xb4 $10 ) 2. f6-g7 $1 e1-c3 3. g7-h8 a3-b2 $1 ( c3-a1 4. a5-b6 c5xa7 5. c1-d2 a3-b2 6. d2-e3 a7-b6 7. h8-f6 b6-c5 ( b6-a5 8. f6-h8 a5-b4 9. h8-f6 b4-a3 10. f6-h8 f8-e7 11. e3-d4 e7-d6 12. h8-g7 b2-c1 13. g7-h8 $10 ) 8. f6-d8 c5-b4 9. d8-f6 b4-c3 10. f6-d8 b2-c1 11. d8-g5 c1xf4 12. g5xb4 $10 ) ( c5-d4 $2 4. c1-d2 c3xe1 5. h8xc3 e1xb4 6. a5xc3 ) 4. c1xa3 c5-d4 ( c3-a1 5. a3-b4 c5xa3 6. a5-b6 a3-b2 7. b6-c7 b2-c1 8. c7-b8 $10 ) 5. h6-g7 $1 f8xh6 6. h8-g7 $3 h6xf8 { With only two possible moves on the board the next move is still hard to find. } 7. a3-b4 { Amazing situation - there is no win with an extra king, their move and white pieces far away from the king row! } $3 ( 7. a5-b6 f8-e7 8. b6-a7 e7-d6 9. a7-b8 c3-a1 ) c3-d2 8. b4-c5 d4xb6 9. a5xc7 $10 1-1 [Black "Tsvetov, M."] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bc1,e1,g1,b2,d2,c3:Wh2,e3,f4,c5,e5,h6."] { [#] } 1. e1-f2 c5-d4 2. f2-g3 ( 2. c3-b4 f4-g3 3. d2xd6 ( 3. f2xh4 $2 e3-f2 4. g1xc5 h2-g1 ) g3xe1 { in Russian checkers g3 continue to jump checker b4 with a quick draw } 4. b4-a5 d4-e3 ( e1-c3 5. d6-e7 c3xa1 6. e7-d8 d4-e3 7. d8-h4 a1-d4 8. h4-e1 h6-g5 9. e1-d2 g5-f4 10. d2-e1 d4-c5 11. e1-g3 c5-a7 12. g3xe5 e3-f2 13. g1xe3 a7xf2 $10 ) 5. d6-c7 e3-f2 6. g1xe3 h2-g1 $10 ) e3-f2 ( h6-g5 3. g3-h4 e3-f2 ( f4-g3 4. d2xd6 g3-f2 5. c3xe5 f2-e1 6. h4xf6 ) 4. h4xf6 e5xg7 5. c3xe1 ) 3. g1xg5 ( 3. g1xc5 h2-g1 ) h6xf4 4. b2-a3 $3 d4xb2 5. d2-e3 f4xd2 6. c1xe3 h2xd2 7. a3xe3 2-0 [Black "Tsvetov, M."] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bc1,d2,f2,h2,g3:Wd4,e5,b6,f6,e7."] { [#] } 1. d2-e3 b6-c5 2. e3-f4 e7-d6 3. c1-b2 c5-b4 4. f2-e3 d4xh4 5. b2-a3 e5xg3 6. a3xg5 h4xf6 7. h2xf4 2-0 [Black "Tsvetov, M."] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date "1978"] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bg1,f2,h2,a3,h4:We3,d4,f4,a5."] { [#] } 1. a3-b4 $3 a5xc3 2. f2-g3 e3-d2 ( e3-f2 3. g1xc5 f4-e3 4. g3-f4 e3xg5 5. h4xf6 ) 3. g3xe5 d4xf6 4. h4-g5 f6xh4 5. h2-g3 h4xf2 6. g1xc1 2-0 [Black "Ukman, G."] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Ba1,e1,g1,d2,f2,h2,a3,c3,b4:Wf4,h4,a5,e5,b6,f6,c7,e7,h8."] 1. f2-e3 f6-g5 ( h8-g7 2. e3xg5 g7-h6 3. e1-f2 h6xf4 4. d2-e3 f4xd2 5. c3xe1 a5xc3 6. e1-d2 c3xg3 7. h2xb8 ) 2. c3-d4 $1 e5xc3 3. b4-c5 $1 b6xf2 4. e1xe5 c3xe1 5. a3-b4 a5xc3 6. a1-b2 c3xa1 7. e5-f6 $3 a1xg7 8. g1-f2 e1xg3 9. h2xb8 2-0 [Black "Vigman, V."] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Ba1,g1,b2,a3,c3,f4,g5:Wc5,b6,d6,c7,e7,g7,f8."] 1. c3-b4 g7-h6 2. g1-f2 f8-g7 3. f2-e3 b6-a5 4. b2-c3 g7-f6 ( c7-b6 5. f4-e5 h6xd2 6. e5xc7 b6xd8 7. b4xh6 d2xb4 8. a3xc5 ) 5. a1-b2 f6xh4 6. f4-e5 d6xd2 7. b4xb8 d2xb4 8. a3xc5 2-0 [Black "Vigman, V."] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "1-1"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bf2,h2,a3:Wd4,b6,f6."] { [#] } 1. h2-g3 f6-e5 2. a3-b4 ( 2. g3-h4 e5-f4 3. f2-g3 f4xh2 4. h4-g5 h2-g1 5. g5-f6 b6-c5 ) b6-a5 3. b4-c5 d4xb6 4. f2-e3 b6-c5 5. g3-h4 a5-b4 6. h4-g5 e5-f4 7. g5-f6 f4xd2 8. f6-g7 b4-c3 9. g7-h8 c5-d4 1-1 [Black "Zirik, Zinoviy"] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Be3,g3,f4,a5,d6,a7:WKa1,f6,h6,b8."] { [#] } 1. d6-c7 $1 b8xd6 2. e3-d4 $1 a1xe5 3. a7-b8 { [#] } f6-g5 { what else? } 4. a5-b6 $1 g5xe3 5. b6-c7 e5xh2 6. c7xe5 h2xd6 7. b8xd2 2-0 [Black "Zirik, Zinoviy"] [White "Gorodetskiy, V."] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date "1946"] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bg1,b2,c3,d4:Wb6,d6,a7,c7."] { [#] } 1. c3-b4 b6-a5 2. b2-c3 c7-b6 3. d4-e5 d6xf4 4. g1-f2 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event ""] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bc1,e1,b2,d2,a3,c3,b4:WKg1,a5."] 1. b4-c5 g1xb6 2. c3-d4 b6xg1 3. d2-e3 g1xa1 4. a3-b4 a5xc3 5. c1-b2 c3-d2 6. e1xc3 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bc1,e1,b2,d2,a3,c3,b4:WKg1,a5."] { [#] } g1-a7 2. d2-e3 a7xg1 3. c1-d2 g1-a7 ( g1-h2 4. b4-c5 $16 ) 4. b4-c5 a7xc1 5. e1-f2 a5-b4 ( c1-g5 6. f2-e3 g5xb4 7. a3xc5 ) 6. c3xa5 c1-g5 7. b2-c3 g5-f6 8. c3-b4 f6-d4 9. f2-g3 d4-g1 10. g3-f4 g1-a7 11. f4-g5 a7-g1 12. g5-f6 g1-a7 13. f6-g7 a7-g1 14. g7-h8 g1-a7 15. h8-e5 a7-f2 16. e5-h2 f2-g1 17. a5-b6 g1xa7 18. h2-g1 a7-b8 19. g1-d4 b8-f4 20. b4-a5 f4-c7 21. d4-a1 c7-d8 22. a1-e5 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bg1,e5,f6:Wh2,a5."] { [#] } 1. f6-g7 a5-b4 2. g1-f2 $1 b4-c3 ( h2-g1 3. g7-h8 g1xf6 4. h8xa5 ) ( b4-a3 3. f2-g3 h2xd6 4. g7-h8 ) 3. g7-f8 c3-b2 ( h2-g1 4. e5-d6 g1xe7 5. f8xe1 ) 4. f2-g3 h2xd6 5. f8xc1 2-0 [Black "Serebryakov, I."] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date "1927"] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bg1,e5,f6:Wh2,a5,h8."] { [#] } 1. f6-e7 a5-b4 2. e7-d8 $1 ( 2. e7-f8 $2 b4-c3 3. f8-h6 h8-g7 4. h6xf8 c3-b2 $10 ) b4-c3 3. d8-g5 c3-b2 4. g5-c1 $1 b2-a1 5. g1-f2 $1 a1xg7 6. f2-g3 h2xf4 7. c1xf8 2-0 [Black "Shmidt, Y."] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date "1953"] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Ba1,d2,f2,c3,e3,a5:Wb4,d6,h6,c7,e7,g7."] 1. c3-d4 b4-a3 2. d2-c3 a3-b2 3. c3-b4 b2-c1 4. a1-b2 c1xg5 5. f2-e3 $1 g5xc5 6. d4xh8 h6-g5 7. a5-b6 g5-h4 8. b6-a7 ( 8. b6-c7 d6xb8 9. h8-e5 b8-a7 10. e5-c7 ) h4-g3 9. a7-b8 g3-h2 10. b8xg3 h2xf4 11. h8-d4 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bh2,a3,c3,Ka5:WKe1,h4,h6,a7."] { [#] } 1. h2-g3 $1 h4xf2 2. a5-b4 $1 f2-g1 3. b4-a5 e1xb4 4. a3xc5 g1xb6 5. a5xd8 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Ba5:Wd8,f8."] { [#]David and Goliath - a master ending, basis of many other end games } 1. a5-b6 f8-e7 2. b6-a7 e7-d6 3. a7-b8 d8-c7 4. b8-a7 d6-e5 5. a7-e3 c7-d6 6. e3-h6 e5-d4 7. h6-f8 d6-e5 8. f8-g7 e5-f4 9. g7xc3 f4-g3 10. c3-d4 g3-h2 11. d4-g1 2-0 [Black "Shoshin, A."] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Bh2,a3,b4:Wg5,a7."] { [#] } 1. b4-c5 g5-f4 2. h2-g3 f4xh2 3. a3-b4 a7-b6 ( h2-g1 4. b4-a5 g1xb6 5. a5xc7 ) 4. c5xa7 h2-g1 5. b4-c5 g1xb6 6. a7xc5 2-0 [Black "Shoshin, A."] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:BKd2,e3:Wh4,d6,g7."] { [#] } 1. e3-f4 d6-c5 ( g7-f6 2. d2-e1 $1 f6-e5 3. f4-g5 h4xf6 4. e1-h4 ( { or } 4. e1-b4 e5-d4 5. b4xg5 d4-c3 6. g5-c1 ) ) ( g7-h6 2. d2-e3 h6-g5 3. f4xh6 h4-g3 4. e3-f4 g3xe5 5. h6-g7 e5-d4 6. g7-f8 d6-e5 7. f8-g7 e5-f4 8. g7xc3 f4-g3 9. c3-d4 g3-h2 10. d4-g1 ) 2. d2-e3 $1 ( 2. d2-e1 c5-d4 3. e1-d2 g7-h6 4. d2-b4 ( 4. d2-e1 h6-g5 5. f4xh6 d4-e3 ) h6-g5 5. f4xh6 d4-e3 $10 ) c5-b4 3. e3-d2 b4-a3 4. d2-c3 g7-h6 5. c3-e5 $1 h6-g5 ( h4-g3 6. f4xh2 h6-g5 7. e5-g7 $3 g5-f4 8. g7-h6 f4-g3 9. h2xf4 a3-b2 10. h6-g7 b2-c1 11. g7-h6 c1xg5 12. h6xf4 ) 6. f4xh6 h4-g3 7. e5xh2 a3-b2 8. h2-e5 $1 b2-c1 9. e5-f4 c1xg5 10. h6xf4 2-0 [Black ""] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date ""] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Ba1,e1,b2,f2,h2,a3,c3,d4:We3,a5,e5,g5,b6,f6,h6,a7."] 1. d4-c5 b6xd4 2. h2-g3 e3xg1 3. e1-f2 g1xe3 4. g3-f4 e5xg3 5. c3xg7 h6xf8 6. a3-b4 a5xc3 7. b2xf6 2-0 [Black "Ershov, Sergey"] [White ""] [Event " "] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date "2014"] [Result "2-0"] [GameType "23"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "W:Ba1,c1,e1,b2,f2,h2,a3,c3:We3,d4,a5,e5,g5,d6,a7,d8,f8."] 1. h2-g3 e3xg1 2. e1-f2 g1xe3 3. g3-f4 e5xg3 4. c3xc7 d8xb6 5. a3-b4 a5xc3 6. b2xf6 b6-c5 7. a1-b2 a7-b6 ( c5-b4 8. b2-c3 b4xd2 9. c1xe3 a7-b6 10. e3-d4 ) 8. b2-c3 b6-a5 9. c1-d2 c5-b4 10. c3-d4 b4-a3 11. d2-c3 a5-b4 ( a3-b2 12. c3xa1 a5-b4 13. d4-c5 b4xd6 14. a1-b2 ) 12. c3xa5 a3-b2 13. f6-e7 f8xd6 14. d4-c5 d6xb4 15. a5xa1 2-0