checkers64 - EastPoint
Casual Game, 27.01.2002

1.a3-b4 b6-a5 2.b2-a3 a7-b6 3.a1-b2 b6-c5 4.e3-d4 c5:e3 5.f2:d4 h6-g5 6.b4-c5 d6:b4 7.a3:c5 g5-h4 8.c5-b6 h4:f2 9.g1:e3 f6-g5 10.b6-a7 g7-f6 11.h2-g3 g5-h4 12.b2-a3 h4:f2 13.e3:g1 h8-g7 14.e1-f2 g7-h6 15.f2-g3 f6-g5 16.d2-e3 e7-d6

[ This does not work 16...g5-f4 17.g3:e5 c7-b6 18.a7:c5 e7-d6 19.c5:e7 f8:b4 20.a3:c5 ]
17.g3-f4 f8-e7 18.c1-d2 e7-f6 19.d4-c5 d6:b4 20.a3:c5 c7-b6 21.c3-d4 g5-h4 22.f4-e5
[ Simple 22.g1-f2 f6-g5 23.d2-c3 d8-e7 24.f4-e5 e7-f6 25.e5:g7 h6:f8 26.c5-d6 would have won it ]
22...a5-b4! 23.e5:g7 h6:f8 24.c5:a3 h4-g3 25.a7:c5 g3-f2 26.d2-c3
[ 26.e3-f4 f2-e1 27.g1-h2 e1:g3 28.h2:f4 b8-c7= ]
26...f2-e1 27.a3-b4 e1-h4 28.c5-b6 Black are playing a dangerous game - they should make a quick draw instead of trying to win h4-e7 29.d4-c5 f8-g7 30.c3-d4 e7-f8 31.e3-f4 g7-f6 32.f4-e5 b8-a7 33.e5:g7 f8:h6 34.d4-e5 h6-g5 35.e5-d6 g5-f4 36.b6-c7 d8:d4 37.d6-e7 d4-e3 38.e7-d8 e3-d2 1-1

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