Barnett, Alfred - Lapin, Vadym
Barnett-Lapin Match, Little Haiti Cultural Center, Miami, Florida [10], 20.04.2019

1.cd4 fg5 2.bc3 gh4 3.cb4 ba5 4.dc5 axc3 5.dxb4 gf6 6.ba5 dxb4 7.axc3 ab6 8.cb4 ba5 9.cb2 axc3 10.bxd4 fg5 11.ab2 ef6 12.dc5 de7 13.bc3 hg7 14.cd4 ed6 15.cxe7 fxd8 16.gf4 gf6 17.fe5 de7 18.exg7 gf4 19.exg5 hxh8 20.hg3 hg7 21.fe3 gf6 22.ed2 ed6 23.dc3 cb6 24.ab4 ba5 25.gh2 hg5 26.gh4
[ Grandmaster Yuriy Kirillov demonstrates the win: 26.gf4 gh4 27.fg5 fe7 28.ef4 ba7 29.dc5 hg3 30.gh6 gxe5 31.hg3 x ]
26...de5 27.hg3 bc7 28.dc5 cd6 29.cxe7 fxd6 30.cd4 axc3 31.dxb2 dc5 32.bc3 cd4 33.exc5 gf4 34.cd4 fxh2 35.hg5 1-1

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